sticky [ˈstiki] adj. 黏的
【扩】viscose 粘性的
* * *
A: What's that? It's so sticky.
B: It's paste.
* * *
finger [ˈfiŋɡə] n. 手指
【扩】maniphalanx 手指骨
【搭】ring finger 无名指
index finger 食指
middle finger 中指
small finger 小指
* * *
A: My finger is bleeding.
B: How did you make it?
* * *
pie [pai] n. 馅饼
【扩】pastie 馅饼
【搭】 apple pie 苹果派
* * *
A: Would you like to try our apple pie?
B: Yes, I like apple pies very much.
* * *
mix [miks] v. 混合,拌和
pastry [ˈpeistri] n. 面糊
annoying [əˈnɔiiŋ] adj. 恼人的
【扩】carking 恼人的,烦人的
* * *
A: Mike rang to tell us that he couldn't come here today.
B: It's annoying. We have already had everything prepared for him.
* * *
receiver [riˈsiːvə] n. 电话的话筒
* * *
A: I can't hear him clearly.
B: Put the receiver nearer to your ear.
* * *
dismay [disˈmei] v. 失望,泄气
recognize [ˈrekəɡnaiz] v. 认出,听出
persuade [pəˈsweid] v. 说服,劝说
【扩】persuasion 劝说,劝服
【搭】persuade sb. to do sth.
* * *
A: Jim doesn't agree with the suggestion.
B: It will be easy to persuade him.
* * *
mess [mes] n. 乱七八糟
【搭】in a mess 一团糟
* * *
A: This thing should have done first.
B: Sorry, I've made a mistake about the order. It's in a horrible mess in the order now.
* * *
doorknob [ˈdɔːnɔb] n. 门把手
sign [sain] v. 签字
register [ˈredʒistə] v. 挂号邮寄
【派】registered 挂号的
【搭】registered letter 挂号信
registered mail 挂号信
* * *
A: Please register these two letters for me.
B: OK. Wait for a moment, please.
adjective [原级]黏性的,涂有黏性物质的;(皮肤因热而)黏湿的;(天气)湿热的,闷热的;(处境、问题等)难办的,棘手的;(网站)吸引人的,吸引人长时间浏览的;(食物)甜腻的;(价格,利率,薪水)变化缓慢的,对变化反应缓慢的;<英,非正式>持有异议的,抱不合作态度的;持久的;<非正式>感到热得难受的 - Sticky weather is unpleasantly hot and damp. (
noun [专属名词]告事贴;置顶留言 - Find the sticky note you should have written your app's core function.
as sticky as glue 和胶水一样粘 ( 同级比较)
noun [专属名词]手指;(手套的)手指部分;(酒在杯中的深度)一指宽;指状物;竖中指;指针 - She suddenly held up a small, bony finger and pointed across the room.
verb [vt. 及物动词]用手指触摸;<美>告发,告密;拨弄(乐器);用某种指法演奏(乐曲);给(乐谱)标明指法符号 - He fingered the few coins in his pocket.
- thumb 大拇指 👍
- index finger 食指 ☝️
- middle finger 中指 🖕
- ring finger 无名指 🖖
- little finger 小指 🤙
toe n. 脚趾 👣
noun [专属名词]馅饼,果馅饼;肉馅饼,蔬菜馅饼 - He baited his hook with pie.
verb [vt. 及物动词](使)混合,(使)调和;使结合,组合;调制,配制;混合录音;(尤指与不相熟的人)交往,相处;不合,不相容;<非正式>打起来,争吵起来 - If you mix something, you prepare it by mixing other things together.
noun [专属名词]混合体;(制作糕点、调味汁等的)混合原料,混合配料;(特定社会或团体内)各色人混杂的一群;(人群、混合物的)成分比例;混音,混录;乐曲组合,连奏;叠化图像,叠化声音 - A mix is a powder containing all the substances that you need in order to make something such as a cake or a sauce. When you want to use it, you add liquid. (
① vt. 使混和,拌和
- I was busy mixing butter and flour.
- You can mix some salt into the flour.
② vi. 交往,相处
- I’m not going to mix with those people. 我不打算和那些人来往。
- Mary doesn’t mix much. 玛丽不太和人交往。
mixture n. 混合物
noun [专属名词]油酥面团;酥皮糕点 - The bread, pastry and mayonnaise are homemade.
adjective [原级]令人恼火的,令人烦躁的 - He swatted a fly that was annoying him.
verb [vi. 不及物动词]使恼怒,使烦恼;打扰,骚扰(annoy 的现在分词形式) - There are some annoying loose ends in the plot.
noun [专属名词](电话)听筒;(无线电或电视)接收器,接收机;(法庭指定的)破产接管人;收受者,收件人;买卖赃物者,收赃人;接球手,外接手;接受罐,聚集器;(安置枪栓并与枪管等部件相连接的)机闸 - He crashed down the telephone receiver.
noun [专属名词]担忧;失望,沮丧;惊愕 - Local politicians have reacted with dismay and indignation.
verb [vt. 及物动词]使担忧;使失望,使沮丧;使惊恐 - The committee was dismayed by what it had been told.
verb [vt. 及物动词]认识,辨别出;承认,意识到;(正式或在法律上)认可,承认;赞赏,公认;表扬,表彰;(会议或辩论主席)邀请…发言;(计算机等)自动识别(声音、印刷字体等) - If someone says that they recognize something, they acknowledge that it exists or that it is true.
vt. 辨出,认出,认识
- I recognized the voice of Helen Bates.
vt. 承认,确认,认可
- It is recognized that Jane is the most intelligent girl among us.
- He recognized Dan as one of his best friends.
recognize sb. as … 认为某人是
- In the torchlight, he caught sight of a figure whom he immediately recognized as Bill Wilkins, our local grocer.
verb [vt. 及物动词]说服,劝服;使相信,使信服;(情形,事件)驱使,敦促 - I did my damnedest to persuade her.
persuade 表示劝说已经成功
- She'll persuade him. He's like putty in her hands. 她会说服他的。他就像她手里的面团一样。
try to persuade 劝说
- At no time did they try to persuade me to suppress the information. 他们从未试图劝我封锁这个消息。
reason with sb. 劝说,并不能说明是否劝说成功
- I tried to reason with him, but he wouldn't listen. 我尽量跟他讲道理,可他就是不听。
- Trying to reason with him only enrages him even more. 跟他讲理只会使他更加生气。
noun [抽象名词]肮脏,杂乱;不整洁或邋遢的人(或物);掉落的东西,溅出的东西;(动物的)粪便;困境,混乱局面;处于困境的人 - A mess is something liquid or sticky that has been accidentally dropped on something. (
verb [vi. 不及物动词]弄脏,弄乱;玩弄;随地便溺;在军人食堂就餐 - He was messed up pretty bad by the other guy.
口语中a mess 用来指“困境,窘境,一团糟”等含义
- What a mess! 真是糟糕透了!
- You are a mess! 你真邋遢
- The man/woman is a mess.
make a mess of sth. 把……搅得乱七八糟
- He made a mess of my job. 他把我的工作搅得一团糟
- Make some jam if you want to, but don’t make a mess in the kitchen.
noun [专属名词]门把手 - A user experience designer could help to improve a person's experience with just about anything—a doorknob, a faucet, a shopping cart.
noun [具体名词]指示牌,标志;迹象,征兆;示意动作,手势;手语动作;符号,记号;踪迹,踪影;(医)征,体征;神迹(主要用于《圣经》和文学作品中);<美>(野生动物的)足迹,臭迹;(占星)(黄道12宫中的)宫,星座;(数)正负号;暗号,信号;(表示某人状况或经历的)动作,反应 - Equations are generally written with an equal sign.
verb [vt. 及物动词]签名,署名;(与机构、公司等)签约;示意,打手势;打手语;用标志杆(或其他记号)表示 - All programmes will be either "signed" or subtitled.
sign your name(s) here 在这签名 (许多人加 “s” )
sign for 签收
signature n. 签名
- I need your signature. 我需要你的签名
autograph n. 明星, 名人的签名 (n. 亲笔签名;v. 签署)
noun [专属名词]登记表,注册簿;注册员;(人或乐器的)声区,音区;(适合特定场合使用的)语体风格,语域;(印刷,摄影)套准,叠合;<美>现金出纳机;(电子设备的)寄存器;<美>(供暖或制冷设备的)调风口,节气门;(设计图案组成的)条,局部 - Could you sign the hotel register please, sir?
verb [vi. 不及物动词]登记,注册;(正式地或公开地)发表意见,提出主张;流露出,表达出;注意到,受到注意;(仪器上)显出,显示;把…挂号邮寄;取得(结果),得(分);(印刷,摄影)套准,叠合 - Have you come to register at the school?