Lesson 76 April Fools' Day 【单词列表】

fool [fuːl] n. 傻瓜

【派】foolish 愚蠢的

【扩】addlehead 傻瓜  blockhead 傻瓜,笨蛋

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A: That bloody fool is too drunk to drive a car.

B: I'll take him back.



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bulletin [ˈbulətin] n. 新闻简报

announcer [əˈnaunsə] n. (电视、电台)播音员

【扩】broadcaster 播音员  radio broadcaster (无线电广播)播音员

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A: The announcer is signing off for tonight.

B: The program tonight is so dull.



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macaroni [ˌmækəˈrəuni] n. 通心面,空心面条

leading [ˈliːdiŋ] adj. 主要的

grower [ˈɡrəuə] n. 种植者

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A: It's a harvest season.

B: Yes, the growers are so happy.



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splendid [ˈsplendid] adj. 极好的

stalk [stɔːk] n. 梗

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A: Remove the stalk from them before you begin to eat.

B: Can you pass me the knife?



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gather [ˈɡæðə] v. 收庄稼

thresh [θreʃ] v. 打(庄稼)

process [ˈprəuses] v. 加工

【派】 procession 队伍,行列

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A: It takes two months to process the goods.

B: Can you make the time a little shorter?



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Signor [ˈsiːnjɔː] n. (意大利语)先生

present [ˈprezənt] adj. 目前的

champion [ˈtʃæmpiən] n. 冠军

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A: Los Angeles Lakers won the champion again this year.

B: They deserve it.



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studio [ˈstjuːdiəu] n. 播音室



/fuːl/n. 傻瓜
If you call someone a fool, you are indicating that you think they are not at all sensible and show a lack of good judgment. 笨蛋

noun [专属名词]傻瓜,笨蛋;<美,非正式>(对某物)有癖好的人,…迷;(旧时宫廷里的)弄臣,小丑;<英>奶油果子泥; 傻瓜,笨蛋 - Oh you fool! You've blown it!

verb [vi. 不及物动词]开玩笑,戏谑;愚弄,欺骗;瞎弄,瞎折腾(fool with) - You made me look a complete fool!

adjective [原级]<美,非正式>愚蠢的,傻的;愚蠢的,傻的 - Art dealers fool a lot of people.

  • I am such a fool.


/ˈbʊlətɪn/n. 新闻简报
A bulletin is a short news report on the radio or television. (电台、电视台的) 新闻快报

noun [专属名词](广播或电视中的)新闻简报;公告,布告;(机构或社团的)通讯,刊物 - The Internet is the largest computer bulletin board in the world, and it's growing.

verb [vi. 不及物动词]通过公告公布或告知 - At 3:30 p.m. a bulletin was released announcing that the president was out of immediate danger.


🇬🇧/əˈnaʊnsə(r)/ 🇺🇸/əˈnaʊnsər/n. (电视、电台)播音员
An announcer is someone who introduces programmes on radio or television or who reads the text of a radio or television advertisement. 播音员

noun [专属名词][广播] 广播员;宣告者 - The radio announcer said it was nine o'clock.


🇬🇧/ˌmækəˈrəʊni/ 🇺🇸/ˌmækəˈroʊni/n. 通心面,空心面条
Macaroni is a kind of pasta made in the shape of short, hollow tubes. 通心面

noun [专属名词]通心粉;通心面条;纨绔子弟 - How about macaroni and cheese?


🇬🇧/ˈliːdɪŋ/ 🇺🇸/ˈledɪŋ/adj. 主要的
The leading person or thing in a particular area is the one which is most important or successful. 主要的

adjective [原级]主要的,最重要的;在(比赛或行列中)首位的,居前的 - She was leading at the half-way mark.

noun [具体名词]行距;领导;(用于屋顶的)铅皮,铅板 - He's leading in the presidential race.

verb [vt. 及物动词]领导(lead 的现在分词形式) - These are the leading first-round scores.


🇬🇧/ˈɡrəʊə(r)/ 🇺🇸/ˈɡroʊər/n. 种植者
A grower is a person who grows large quantities of a particular plant or crop in order to sell them. 种植者

noun [专属名词]栽培者;生长物 - This plant is a vigorous grower.


/ˈsplendɪd/adj. 极好的
If you say that something is splendid, you mean that it is very good. 极好的

adjective [原级]极佳的,非常好的;壮丽的,灿烂的,辉煌的;(一段时光)令人愉快的 - The book includes a wealth of splendid photographs.

interjection [惊讶](表示赞许或满意)好极了,痛快 - I have heard him tell people that we get along splendidly.


/stɔːk/n. 梗
The stalk of a flower, leaf, or fruit is the thin part that joins it to the plant or tree. (花、叶、果实与植株相连的) 柄; 梗

noun [专属名词](植物的)茎,秆;(动物的)肉柄,肉茎;柄;(车辆)(转向柱上控制指示仪、灯光等的)手柄;悄悄追踪;高视阔步 - A single pale blue flower grows up from each joint on a long stalk.

verb [vt. 及物动词]偷偷接近,潜近;跟踪,盯梢;怒冲冲地走,趾高气扬地走;令人厌恶地穿过,威胁地通过;<文>(不好的气氛)笼罩,蔓延 - He stalks his victims like a hunter after a deer.

gather *

🇬🇧/ˈɡæðə(r)/ 🇺🇸/ˈɡæðər/v. 收庄稼
If people gather somewhere, or if someone gathers people somewhere, they come together in a group. 聚集

verb [vt. 及物动词]聚集,召集;收集,采集;认为,推断;增加(速度、力量等);给…打褶;收紧,拉近 - If you gather things, you collect them together so that you can use them.

vt. 使集拢,集合,召集
  • He gathered a large crowd of people round him.
vt 收集,采集,收(庄稼等)
  • The children are out in the field gathering flowers. 孩子们在外面地里采花。
  • It has taken me a lifetime to gather all these books. 收集所有这些书花了我一辈子的时间。
vi. 集拢,聚集,集合
  • They gathered under the Town Hall clock.
  • people gathered 人们聚集在一起(尤指自发性的聚集)


/θreʃ/v. 打(庄稼)
When a cereal such as barley, wheat, or rice is threshed, it is beaten in order to separate the grains from the rest of the plant. (给谷物)脱粒; 打谷

verb [vt. 及物动词]推敲;打谷;反复做 - The grain was still sown, cut and threshed as it was a hundred years ago.

noun [专属名词]打谷 - Machines that reap and thresh in one operation.

process *

🇬🇧/ˈprəʊses/ 🇺🇸/ˈprɑːses/v. 加工
A process is a series of actions which are carried out in order to achieve a particular result. 过程

noun [专属名词]步骤,程序;(自然或偶然的)变化过程;(为达到某目标的)过程,进程;制作方法,加工方法;<法律>传票;(生,剖)端突,突起 - There was total agreement to start the peace process as soon as possible.

adjective [原级](印刷)三原色的,三色版的; 经过特殊加工的;照相板的 - You have to let us struggle for ourselves, even if we must die in the process.

verb [vt. 及物动词](用化学物品或机器)处理,加工;审核,受理(正式文件或请求);(计算机)处理(数据);冲洗(照片);加工(食品);<正式>列队行进;把(头发)弄成直发 - Patients took more than two hours to be processed through the department.

  • The crop is processed.  加工
  • in the process (of doing)  过程


🇬🇧/ˈsiːnjɔː(r)/ 🇺🇸/siːˈnjɔːr/n. (意大利语)先生
an Italian man: usually used before a name as a title equivalent to Mr (意大利)男人

noun [专属名词]先生(意大利用语);绅士;已婚男性 - Signor Fratelli, the present champion, has won it every year since 1991.

present *

🇬🇧/ˈprez(ə)nt/ 🇺🇸/ˈprez(ə)nt/adj. 目前的
You use present to describe things and people that exist now, rather than those that existed in the past or those that may exist in the future. 目前的

adjective [原级](人)在场的,出席的;(事物)存在的;现在的,目前的;正在考虑的,正在讨论的;(语法)现在时(态)的;强烈感觉到的, 历历在目的 - He has brought much of the present crisis on himself.

noun [抽象名词]现在,眼前;礼物,赠品;(举枪的)瞄准(姿势);(语法)现在时 - The present is the period of time that we are in now and the things that are happening now.

verb [vt. 及物动词]颁发,赠送;出示(护照等供检查);正式提交(支票,账单),递交;<法律> 向法院正式提交(投诉,申请,证据);<正式> 正式引见,介绍(尤指重要人物);现身(某地),正式出席;向主教推荐已被委任的牧师就任(圣职);引出 - If you present someone with something such as a prize or document, or if you present it to them, you formally give it to them.

名词 n.动词 v.形容词 adj.
/ˈprez(ə)nt/ /preˈz(ə)nt/ 
  • The winner was presented a gold medal. 被赠送
  • The committee will present a report next month. 将提交
  • He presented his apologies. 表示
  • May I present Mr. Smith to you? 引见


/ˈtʃæmpiən/n. 冠军
A champion is someone who has won the first prize in a competition, contest, or fight. 冠军

noun [专属名词]冠军,第一名;拥护者,斗士 - Kasparov became world champion.

verb [vt. 及物动词]捍卫,拥护,支持 - He passionately championed the poor.

adjective [原级]<英,非正式>极好的;冠军的,得一等奖的 - Tim Powell is a former champion powerboat racer.


🇬🇧/ˈstjuːdiəʊ/ 🇺🇸/ˈstuːdioʊ/n. 播音室
A studio is a room where a painter, photographer, or designer works. 工作室

noun [专属名词]录音室,播音室,演播室;(电影)摄影棚,电影公司,电影制片厂;(画家、摄影师、雕塑家等的)工作室;(舞蹈)练习室;单室公寓房;(公司新产品的)设计室,工作室 - The studio isn't soundproof.

  • We're now going back to the studio.