Lesson 87 A perfect alibi 【单词列表】

alibi [ˈælibai] n. 不在犯罪现场

commit [kəˈmit] v. 犯(罪、错)

【派】commitment 保证

【搭】commit oneself 承诺,答应负责

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A: You've committed a folly.

B: I just want to make all of you happy.



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inspector [inˈspektə] n. 探长

employer [imˈplɔiə] n. 雇主

confirm [kənˈfəːm] v. 确认,证实

【派】confirmation 证实

【搭】confirm the reservation 确认预约

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A: Will you please fill out this form?

B: Sure. And by the way, I'd like to confirm the charge for a double.



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suggest [səˈdʒest] v. 提醒

truth [truːθ] n. 真相



/ˈæləbaɪ/n. 不在犯罪现场
If you have an alibi, you can prove that you were somewhere else when a crime was committed. 不在现场证明

noun [抽象名词]不在场证明或辩解;托辞 - He manages to persuade both his wife and girlfriend to provide him with an alibi.

verb [vt. 及物动词]辩解;找托辞开脱 - She was in San Diego the weekend Jensen got killed. Her alibi checked out.


  • Ian had an alibi/alibis for that morning.
  • a perfect alibi 完美的不在场证明
  • He had an airtight alibi for that night. 那晚他有无懈可击的不在场证明。


/kəˈmɪt/v. 犯(罪、错)
If someone commits a crime or a sin, they do something illegal or bad. 犯 (罪); 做 (坏事)

verb [vt. 及物动词]犯(罪、错);调拨,投入;(使)承诺,承担义务;郑重承诺,忠于;把…关进医院(监狱),监禁;传唤(某人)到法院受审;订婚,决定与(某人)保持长期感情;把…托付给 - I have never committed any crime.

① vt.  犯(罪),做(错事、坏事等)

  • He has never committed any crime before.
  • A murder was committed at 8 o’clock this morning.
  • commit a crime / a murder 主动
  • The murder was committed. 被动

② vt. 承诺,使承担义务,卷入(经常与反身代词连用)

  • You should know each other better before committing yourselves to marriage.
  • He has committed his friend to taking part in the race.


🇬🇧/ɪnˈspektə(r)/ 🇺🇸/ɪnˈspektər/n. 探长
An inspector is a person, usually employed by a government agency, whose job is to find out whether people are obeying official regulations. 检查员; 督察员

noun [具体名词]检查员,督察员;(警察)巡官;(英国公共汽车或火车上的)查票员 - The mill was finally shut down by state safety inspectors.


🇬🇧/ɪmˈplɔɪə(r)/ 🇺🇸/ɪmˈplɔɪər/n. 雇主
Your employer is the person or organization that you work for. 雇主

noun [专属名词]雇主 - He had been sent to Rome by his employer.

confirm *

🇬🇧/kənˈfɜːm/ 🇺🇸/kənˈfɜːrm/v. 确认,证实
If something confirms what you believe, suspect, or fear, it shows that it is definitely true. 证实 (某人的观点、猜疑、担心的事)

verb [vt. 及物动词]确定,确认;证实,证明;批准,认可;使坚定,加强;给(某人)施坚信礼 - X-rays have confirmed that he has not broken any bones.  X

① vt. 证实,确定

  • My employer will confirm that I was there on time.
  • His words are confirmed.
  • Could you please help me to confirm the appointment?
  • I will call the restaurant to confirm the reservation.

② vt. 巩固,加强

  • His experiences in that company that confirmed his decision to have a factory of his own.
  • What he saw and heard that night confirmed his belief that the pub was haunted.

suggest *

/səˈdʒest/v. 提醒
If you suggest something, you put forward a plan or idea for someone to think about. 建议

verb [vt. 及物动词]提议,建议;推荐,举荐;显示,表明 - I suggest you ask him some specific questions about his past.

verb [vt. 及物动词]暗示,暗指;使人想到,使人联想到 - If one thing suggests another, it implies it or makes you think that it might be the case.

① vt.  暗示,(间接地)表明

  • His silence suggested that he knew something about the man.

② vt. 建议,提议

suggest +that 从句

  • I suggest that we meet at the restaurant.

suggest +doing sth.

  • I suggest meeting at the restaurant.


/truːθ/n. 真相
The truth about something is all the facts about it, rather than things that are imagined or invented. 实情; 真相

noun [专属名词]事实,真相;真实性;真理,原理;的确,事实上 - Slowly the awful truth dawned.