
/ˈflæt(ə)n/📚 7565 89 1雅思GREgmat
If you flatten something or if it flattens, it becomes flat or flatter. 使变平; 变平

verb [vt. 及物动词](使)变平;(使)变薄;摧毁,夷平(建筑、城镇或植物);紧贴;猛击,把(人)打趴在地;(在比赛、争论等中轻而易举地)击败,击倒;<非正式>羞辱,使沮丧;降低到一定水平;使(音符)降半音;变单调

He carefully flattened the wrappers and put them between the leaves of his book.

noun [专属名词]【名】 (Flatten)(德)弗拉滕(人名)

The cookies will flatten slightly while cooking.

来自flat(n. 平面; a. 平坦的)
The dog's ears flattened slightly as Cook spoke his name. 当库克叫狗的名字时,狗的耳朵稍稍耷拉了下来。
The hills flattened out just south of the mountain. 在山的南边丘陵就变得平坦起来。
explosives capable of flattening a five-storey building 足以把一幢5层建筑夷为平地的炸药。
He flattened himself against a brick wall as I passed. 我经过的时候,他紧贴着一堵砖墙站着。
I've never seen a woman flatten someone like that, said a crew member. "She knocked him out cold." “我从没见过一个女人像那样把人击倒”,一名机组人员说,“她把他打昏过去了。”
I'll flatten you if you do that again! 你要再那样我就把你揍趴下!