/ˈfrɪkətɪv/ 19a continuant consonant produced by partial occlusion of the airstream, such as (f) or (z) 摩擦音
noun [专属名词]摩擦音
If in English pronunciation's short vowel, consonant cluster, by the fricative, the affricate conclusion syllable and so on do not have in Chinese.
adjective [原级]摩擦音的,由摩擦产生的
The uvular r's of French and the fricative, glottal ch's of German (and Scots) are essential to one's imagination of these languages and their speakers.
- 网友用“Fricative”造句精选
- The shifted of the sound changes phenomena in Shandong district proves that Round-mouth characters of Zhi-system read in labiodental firstly occur in fricative. 由这种音变现象在山东地区的地域流变情况可见,知系合口字的唇齿化有可能首先发生于擦音声母。