

🇬🇧/frɒm/ 🇺🇸/frʌm/📚 26 248 5中考高考四级六级考研
If something comes from a particular person or thing, or if you get something from them, they give it to you or they are the source of it. 来自

preposition [位置和方向]从…起;从…开始;寄自,得自;来自;由…(制成);(两地的距离)离;从;从…(到);(使)免遭;由于;根据;与…(不同);防;不在;从…来看;妨碍

The expression on his face changed from sympathy to surprise.

noun [专属名词](From)(美)弗罗姆(人名)

From appealed for information from anyone who saw the attackers.

from 出现在下面的课文中
Lesson 101&102 A card from Jimmy
Lesson 55 From the earth:Greetings
Lesson 051&52 A pleasant climate
Lesson 053&54 An interesting climate
Lesson 055&56 The Sawyer family
Lesson 067&68 The weekend
Lesson 117&118 Tommy’s breakfast
Lesson 143&144 A walk through the woods

prep. 来自,从;今后;由于

My son has just returned from Amsterdam. 我儿子刚刚从阿姆斯特丹回来。
an anniversary present from his wife 他妻子送的一件结婚纪念礼物。
an art dealer from Zurich 一名来自苏黎世的艺术品商人。
Katy Jones is nineteen and comes from Biloxi. 凯蒂·琼斯19岁,来自比洛克西。
a representative from the Israeli embassy 以色列大使馆的一位代表。
The guests watched as she fled from the room. 客人们看着她逃离房间。
In many bone transplants, bone can be taken from other parts of the patient's body. 在许多骨移植手术中,骨头可以取自病人身体的其它部分。
The $103 is deducted from Mrs. Adams' salary. 这$103是从亚当斯太太的薪水中扣除的。