

/ˈpeɪtrən/📚 4718 148 2六级考研托福雅思
A patron is a person who supports and gives money to artists, writers, or musicians. (艺术家、作家、音乐家等的) 资助人

noun [集合/集体](艺术家的)赞助人,资助者;代言人,名义赞助人;(酒吧、旅馆等的)主顾,顾客;(古罗马)有权势的保护人,庇护人;(古罗马)已获得自由的奴隶的原主人和保护人;<英>有圣职授予权的人(或机构)

Catherine the Great was a patron of the arts and sciences.

-patr- =father,表示“父亲”、父,祖patron n. 帮助人;恩人(像父亲一样的人)
patr(父亲) + on → 像父亲一样进行帮助 → 赞助人
He has now become one of the patrons of the association. 他如今已成为该协会的名誉赞助人之一。
Few patrons of a high-priced hotel can be led to expect anything other than luxury service. 高价旅馆的顾客几乎没有人会被引导去期待奢侈服务以外的任何东西。
Frederick the Great was the patron of many artists. 腓特烈大帝是许多艺术家的赞助人。
In 1755 British writer Samuel Johnson published an acerbic letter to Lord Chesterfield rebuffing his patron for neglecting and declining support. 1755年,英国作家塞缪尔·约翰逊发表了一封致切斯特菲尔德勋爵的讽刺信,斥责其赞助人忽视并且拒绝支持他。