🇬🇧/ˌreɪdɪəʊˈtelɪˌfəʊn/ 🇺🇸/ˌreɪdioʊˈtelɪfoʊn/ 53a device for communication by means of radio waves rather than by transmitting along wires or cables 无线电话 (Also called radiophone, wireless telephone)
noun [专属名词]无线电话
to telephone (a person) by radiotelephone
用无线电话机给(某人)打电话 The invention relates to a method of providing authentication in a radiotelephone network. 本发明涉及到提供无线电话网中的鉴别方法。
verb [vt. 及物动词]vt. [通信] 打无线电话
Thisaircraft, nicknamed the Sacred Cow, included a sleeping area, radiotelephone, and retractable elevator for Roosevelt's wheelchair.