/siːl/📚 4200 74 1四级六级考研托福雅思高考When you seal an envelope, you close it by folding part of it over and sticking it down, so that it cannot be opened without being torn. 封 (信封)
noun [专属名词]印章,图章;表示确认的事物;密封装置,密封物;密封,密封状态;水止,水封(根据排污管道深度U形管中防止臭气上升的存水);封蜡,火漆;封蜡模(印),封铅模(印);海豹;海豹皮;装饰性的背面涂胶水的邮票(印花);(美国海军)海豹特种部队士兵(SEAL)
When assembling the pie, wet the edges where the two crusts join, to form a seal.
verb [vt. 及物动词]封上(信封);密封(容器);确定,使成定局;给……涂上保护层;(给文件)加封,盖印;封锁;(为避免烹调时失去过多水分,将食物放在热油中)快速煎炸;猎捕海豹
He sealed the envelope and put on a stamp.
noun [专属名词]【名】(Seal)西尔(人名)
The leak was eventually traced to a broken seal.
sea(海洋) + l(看做love, 爱) → 喜欢海洋的动物 → 海豹
- 网友用“Seal”造句精选
- Write your letter and seal it in a blank envelope. 写好你的信,然后将其封入一个空信封。
- She filled the containers, sealed them with a cork, and stuck on labels. 她装满那些容器,用塞子封了口,然后贴上了标签。
- A woman picks them up and seals them in plastic bags. 一位女士拣起它们,然后把它们封入各塑料袋中。
- Check seals on fridges and freezers regularly. 定期检查冰箱和冰柜的密封装置。
- The seal on the box broke when it fell from its hiding-place. 盒子从隐藏处掉下时上面的封口破了。
- ...a supply of note paper bearing the presidential seal. …一批盖有总统印章的便条纸。
- The soldiers were deployed to help paramilitary police seal the border. 这些士兵们被调去协助准军事警察封锁边境。
- Police and troops sealed off the area after the attack. 警察和军队在袭击发生后封锁了该地区。