
/snætʃ/📚 6161 167 2六级考研雅思高考
If you snatch something or snatch at something, you take it or pull it away quickly. 迅速拿走; 夺取

verb [vt. 及物动词]一把抓住,立马夺下;夺去,抢走;抓住机会做(某事);侥幸获得(胜利),险胜

If something is snatched from you, it is stolen, usually using force. If a person is snatched, they are taken away by force.
强抢 •  If your bag is snatched, let it go.

noun [抽象名词]抢夺,偷窃;(歌曲或谈话的)片段;片刻,一会儿;(举重)抓举;<非正式>(女性的)阴部

A snatch of a conversation or a song is a very small piece of it. (
谈话或歌曲的) 片断 •  I heard snatches of the conversation.  我听到几段零星的谈话。

snatch 出现在下面的课文中
Lesson 53 Hot snake snatch 动词: 抓住
Lesson 44 Speed and comfort snatch 名词: 短时,片段
sna(看作snap, 迅速的) + tch(看作catch, 抓) → 迅速地抓 → 强夺, 攫取