

/brʌʃ/📚 3449 77 3中考高考
A brush is an object that has a large number of bristles or hairs fixed to it. You use brushes for painting, for cleaning things, and for making your hair neat. 画笔; 刷子

noun [专属名词]刷子,画笔;灌木丛;刷;轻擦,掠过;小冲突;狐狸尾巴;柴枝;<非正式>(性感的)女人(或女孩)

I gave it a quick brush with my hairbrush.

verb [vt. 及物动词]刷,拂拭;刷掉,拂去;刷上;轻擦,触碰

Have you brushed your teeth?

She brushed the powder out of her hair. 她把粉末从头发中梳掉。
Brush the dough with beaten egg yolk. 在生面团上刷一层打好的蛋黄。
He brushed his hair back with both hands. 他用双手把头发轻轻地捋到后面去。
She brushed away tears as she spoke of him. 她在谈起他的时候轻轻拭去眼泪。
Something brushed against her leg. 有什么东西轻轻从她腿上擦过。
I felt her dark brown hair brushing the back of my shoulder. 我感觉到她深褐色的头发轻轻拂过我的肩后。
the trauma of a brush with death 与死神擦肩而过后的创伤。
the brush fire that destroyed nearly 500 acres 烧毁了近五百英亩的灌木丛火灾。