boundary [ˈbaundəri] n. 界线,边界
pump [pʌmp] v. 用泵抽
【派】pumpkin 南瓜
【搭】pump out 抽空
* * *
A: We'd better pump the floodwater out of the cellars.
B: But we don't have any instrument now.
* * *
overtake [ˌəuvəˈteik] v. (坏天气,麻烦等)突然降临
backwater [ˈbækwɔːtə] n. 回水河汊
predecessor [ˈpriːdisesə] n. 前任
【例】My present secretary is more capable than her predecessor.
meadow [ˈmedəu] n. 草地,草场
crown [kraun] v. 给……戴花环
holly [ˈhɔli] n. 一种冬青植物
wreath [riːθ] n. 花环
【扩】garland 花环
* * *
A: I ordered a wreath from the florist.
B: Who do you want to send it to?
* * *
occurrence [əˈkʌrəns] n. 偶发事件
proportion [prəˈpɔːʃən] n. 部分
【派】proportional 成比例的
【扩】part 部分 section 部分
【搭】out of proportion to 与……不成比例
【例】A large proportion of the streets were sewered.
site [sait] v. 使位于
spell [spel] v. 招致,带来
【扩】incur 招致,惹起
【搭】spell losses 造成损失 spell trouble 招来麻烦
【例】He can do nothing except spelling troubles.
stall [stɔːl] n. 牲口棚
attic [ˈætik] n. 顶楼
sweeping [ˈswiːpiŋ] adj. 范围广大的
【派】sweepingly 大规模地,彻底地
【搭】get a sweeping view 一览无余 sweeping victory 全胜
* * *
A: Our team won a sweeping victory in the match last week.
B: Congratulations! I hope you will win in the finals, too.
* * *
critical [ˈkritikəl] adj. 危急的
juncture [ˈdʒʌŋktʃə] n. 时刻,关头
【搭】at this juncture 就在这个关头
【例】At this critical juncture he lost his head and made a serious mistake.
raft [rɑːft] n. 木筏
foundations [faunˈdeiʃənz] n. 地基
【扩】groundwork 基础,根基
【例】The house is unsafe since the foundations were undermined by earthquake.
stout [staut] adj. 牢固的
【扩】firm 坚固的,结实的
【搭】a stout pair of shoes 一双结实的鞋子
* * *
A: I never expected that he had such a stout makeup.
B: He often goes to the gym to do exercise.
* * *
submerge [səbˈməːdʒ] v. 浸没
grapple [ˈɡræpəl] v. 抓住
【搭】grapple with 与……格斗
* * *
A: He did all he could to grapple with the enemy.
B: He is brave at any time.
noun [具体名词]分界线,边界;界限,范围;(板球)击球超过边界线得分 - The Bow Brook forms the western boundary of the wood.
noun [专属名词]泵,抽水机;<英>平底鞋,轻软舞鞋;<美>高跟无带女鞋;抽吸,泵送;(生理)泵(指特定离子逆浓度梯度进行的跨膜主动运输机制) - There was no water in the building, just a pump in the courtyard.
verb [vt. 及物动词]用泵(或泵样器官等)输送;快速上下(或内外)运动;涌出,涌流;<非正式> 盘问,套问;<非正式> 让某人使用大量药物;<非正式> 举重(pump iron);给......洗胃;<非正式> 不断制造(pump out);<非正式>大量增加(pump up);<非正式>接连发射 - It's not enough to get rid of raw sewage by pumping it out to sea.
verb [vt. 及物动词]追上, 赶上并超过(汽车或人);(发展或增长)超越,超过;突然降临于,意外发生在;(情感等)压倒,使难以承受 - It's dangerous to overtake on a bend.
Overtake someone/something: 追赶某人/某物
- The athlete overtook his opponent and won the race. (这位运动员追赶上他的对手并赢得了比赛。)
- The car overtook the slower vehicle on the highway. (这辆车在高速公路上超过了行驶较慢的车辆。)
Overtake someone in a race: 在比赛中超过某人
- The racer managed to overtake the leader in the final lap. (这名选手在最后一圈成功超过了领先者。)
Overtake someone on the road: 在道路上超过某人
- It is dangerous to overtake another vehicle on a narrow road. (在狭窄的道路上超过其他车辆是危险的。)
Overtake a milestone: 达到一个里程碑
- The company overtook its revenue target for the year. (该公司超过了年度收入目标。)
Overtake someone emotionally: 情感上超越某人
- A feeling of sadness overtook her when she heard the news. (她听到那个消息时被悲伤的情绪所充满。)
noun [抽象名词]回水;死水;停滞不进的状态或地方 - The state's high schools remain an educational backwater where dropout rates are rising.
adjective [原级]死水般的;倒退的,落后的 - I came up this backwater to try and get a moment's peace, and then stumble upon you fellows!
noun [专属名词]前任,前辈;(被取代的)原有事物,前身 - He is cast in a different mould from his predecessor.
noun [专属名词]草地,牧场;河边低洼地 - For six months they camped out in a meadow at the back of the house.
noun [具体名词]王冠,冕;王位,王权(the crown);王国政府,王国(the Crown);冠军宝座,桂冠;头顶,帽顶;顶部;5先令的英国旧币;(受损牙齿的)人造冠 - You can also use crown to refer to anything circular that is worn on someone's head.
verb [vt. 及物动词]为…加冕,立…为王;形成…顶部,给…加顶;使圆满,使完美;(在牙齿上)镶人造冠;<非正式>打…的头部;(分娩时胎儿的头)露顶 - When a king or queen is crowned, a crown is placed on their head as part of a ceremony in which they are officially made king or queen.
noun [专属名词]冬青树(等于 holm oak) - The tinsel and the holly were decorating the drug store.
adjective [原级]冬青属植物的 - The chirp came from a thick holly bush, bright with scarlet berries, and Mary thought she knew whose it was.
noun [专属名词]花环,花冠,花圈;环状物,圈状物;(烟、云等的)环,圈;(纹章)饰环 - The Queen laid a wreath at the war memorial.
noun [具体名词]发生的事,事件;发生,出现(尤指意外且令人不快的事) - Vandalism used to be a rare occurrence here.
noun [抽象名词]部分,份额;比例;正确的比例,均衡;大小,程度(proportions);(事情的)重要性,严重性;等比关系 - A large proportion of the dolphins in that area will eventually die.
verb [vt. 及物动词]<正式> 使(某物)成比例,使相称;分摊 - The head is out of proportion with the body.
noun [具体名词](建筑的)工地,用地;(某事发生的)地点,现场;(作某种用途的)场所,场地;网站,站点(=website);(身体的某个)部位;(城镇、建筑物或纪念碑的)地基,选址;遗址,原址;(帐篷或大篷车内)歇脚的地方 - I was working as a foreman on a building site.
verb [vt. 及物动词]使坐落在,为......选址 - Do you want to bookmark this site?
noun [抽象名词]一段时间;(疾病突然的)一次发作;咒语,符咒,着魔;魅力,魔力;轮班;<澳>休息期;(板球)(一个投手的)一轮投球时间;木片 - There has been a long spell of dry weather.
verb [vi. 不及物动词]拼写,拼缀出(单词);拼作,拼成;招致,意味着(通常指坏事);具有…的显著特征;替换,顶替;<澳>稍事休息 - He gave his name and then helpfully spelled it.
noun [专属名词]【名】 (Spell)斯佩尔(人名) - Did I spell your name right?
noun [专属名词]货摊,贩卖处,咨询台;牲畜棚,马厩,牛棚;(房间内的)小隔间,淋浴室,洗手间;(教堂内)唱诗班和牧师的座位;<英>(剧场的)正厅前排座位(stalls);(发动机的)熄火,(车辆的)抛锚,(飞机的)失速,(轮船的)停泊;<美>(机动车停车场的)车位;(赛马开始前各马站位的)单间马房 - A stall is a large table on which you put goods that you want to sell, or information that you want to give people.
verb [vt. 及物动词](使)熄火,抛锚;故意拖延(以赢得时间);拖住(某人);暂缓,搁置,停顿;(飞机)失速;(航海)(由于风力不够而)航行失控;把(牲畜)关在厩内(养肥) - The Social Democratic Party has vowed to try to stall the bill until the current session ends.
noun [专属名词]阁楼,顶楼 - We need the steps to get into the attic.
adjective [原级]范围广的,影响大的;过于笼统的;弧线的,弯曲的;包含丰富信息的;(投票等中的)大胜 - It is far too early to make sweeping statements about gene therapy.
noun [具体名词]打扫,清扫;扫集的尘土(或垃圾)(sweepings) - Football mania is sweeping the country.
verb [vt. 及物动词]打扫,清除;(目光)扫视,(灯光)掠过;(快速地)带走,卷走(sweep 的现在分词) - A flu epidemic is sweeping through Moscow.
adjective [原级]批判的,爱挑剔的;极其重要的,关键的;严重的,危急的;病重的,重伤的;评论性的,评论家的;临界的 - We need to become critical text-readers.
noun [具体名词]接缝;连接;接合;特定时刻,关头;交接处,接合点;音渡 - What's important at this juncture is the ability of the three republics to work together.
noun [专属名词]木排,木筏; 橡皮艇,充气船;(游泳、跳水的)浮台;大量,许多;(树木、草木或冰块等一堆)漂浮物;大群游动的水鸟(或哺乳动物);浮筏基础,格床基础 - A raft is a small rubber or plastic boat that you blow air into to make it float. (
verb [vt. 及物动词]乘坐筏子(度河),用筏子运送;(浮冰)随浮冰流淌;将(船或其他物体)并排连为一体 - to convey on or travel by raft, or make a raft from
adverb [方式副词]过度地;不适当地;不正当地 - This will achieve greater security without unduly burdening the consumers or the economy.
noun [集合/集体][建]基础(foundation 的复数);房基 - Weak foundations caused the house to subside.
adverb [方式副词]坚决地;刚强地;牢固地 - "It's not mine," answered Martha stoutly. “
verb [vt. 及物动词](使)潜入水中,(使)没入水中,浸没;湮没,掩盖(思想、感情等);使(自己)集中精力于,使(自己)沉浸于 - Hippos are unable to submerge in the few remaining water holes.
verb [vt. 及物动词]扭打,搏斗;努力解决问题,应对困境(grapple with);抓住,抓牢(某人);<古>用抓钩抓住 - They managed to grapple him to the ground.
noun [具体名词]格斗,摔跤;摔跤比赛;抓具,抓钩;抓斗机 - The new government has yet to grapple with the problem of air pollution.