assumption [əˈsʌmpʃən] n. 假定
manoeuvre [məˈnuːvə] v. (驱车)移动
myriad [ˈmiriəd] adj. 无数的
【扩】unnumbered 无数的,数不清的 countless 无数的,数不尽的
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A: There are myriad flies in the sky.
B: Because it's too dirty here.
* * *
paradox [ˈpærədɔks] n. 自相矛盾的事
cynic [ˈsinik] n. 愤世嫉俗者
【派】cynical 愤世嫉俗的
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A: Don't behave like a cynic.
B: But there are really many unfair things.
* * *
sociologist [ˌsəusiˈɔlədʒist] n. 社会学家
shun [ʃʌn] v. 避开
* * *
A: He should shun one-sidedness.
B: I think I will remind him.
* * *
affluent [ˈæfluənt] adj. 富有的
【扩】oofy 富有的 wealthy 富有的
* * *
A: He is a very affluent person in our country.
B: But I heard that he is a miser.
* * *
chamber [ˈtʃeimbə] n. 房间
* * *
A: He must have shown me real loyalty down in the chamber.
B: Why do you think so?
* * *
boo [buː] n. 呸的一声
maitre d'hotel [ˌmetrə-dəuˈtel] n. [法语]总管
snobbery [ˈsnɔbəri] n. 势利
【扩】snobbism 势利
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A: The movie is a satire on social snobbery.
B: The plot must be very interesting.
* * *
hierarchy [ˈhaiərɑːki] n. 等级制度
entail [inˈteil] v. 使成为必要
【扩】necessitate 使……成为必要
【搭】entail sth. on sb. 限定某人继承某物
【例】Success entails hard work.
inclement [inˈklemənt] adj. 险恶的
package tour [ˈpækidʒ-tuə] 由旅行社安排一切的一揽子旅游
* * *
A: I prefer a package tour.
B: That's quite easy. We can offer you many choices.
insularity [ˌinsjuˈlæriti] n. 偏狭
cater [ˈkeitə] v. 迎合
【搭】cater for 迎合于 cater to... 满足……的需求
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A: A good film should cater to public taste.
B: Yes, but it's very difficult most of the time.
* * *
exclusively [ikˈskluːsivli] adv. 排他地
cosmopolitan [ˌkɔzməˈpɔlitən] adj. 世界的
preponderance [priˈpɔndərəns] n. 优势
【扩】predomination 优势 dominancy 优势,统治
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A: What's the preponderance of your product?
B: It's much easier to use than other companys'.
* * *
overwhelming [ˌəuvəˈwelmiŋ] adj. 势不可挡的
patronage [ˈpætrənidʒ] n. 恩惠,惠顾
【搭】under the patronage of 在……保护下
* * *
A: Sincerely welcome your patronage and cooperation.
B: Your service is nice. I think I will come back next time.
* * *
saucekraut [ˈsauəkraut] n. 泡菜
* * *
A: It seems that you don't like the food.
B: Yes, because there is saucekraut in it.
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vie [vai] v. 竞争
【扩】rivalize 竞争
* * *
A: There are a lot of people vying for the postition.
B: Who do you think will get it?
* * *
municipal [mjuːˈnisipəl] adj. 市政的
itinerant [aiˈtinərənt] n. 巡回者
heath [hiːθ] n. 荒地
【扩】wasteland 荒地
* * *
A: The former heath land has been changed into stretches of fertile fields.
B: Yes, people can do wonders with their hands.
* * *
alienate [ˈeiliəneit] v. 使疏远
eternal [iˈtəːnəl] adj. 永久的
【派】eternally 永久地
【扩】perpetual 永久的
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A: I can't stand their eternal quarrelling.
B: It affects me, too.
noun [抽象名词]假定,假设;取得,承担 - You would be making an assumption that's not based on any fact that you could report.
noun [抽象名词]熟练(谨慎)的动作;军事演习;策略,花招;欺诈性操作 - The chopper shot upward in a manoeuvre matched by the other pilot.
verb [vt. 及物动词](使谨慎或熟练地)移动;操纵,控制 - That will allow them to manoeuvre the satellite into the shuttle's cargo bay.
noun [集合/集体]矛盾的人(或事物、情况);似非而是的隽语,悖论;悖论修辞 - The paradox is that the region's most dynamic economies have the most primitive financial systems.
noun [集合/集体]社会学家,社会关系研究者 - Sociologist Erving Goffman describes this as "a kind of dimming of lights".
noun [专属名词]Maitre D'hotel(餐厅领班)、侍者总管 - Every restaurant customer sees the maitre d'hotel captain.
adjective [原级]天气恶劣的;气候严酷的;狂风暴雨的;潮湿的;寒冷的 - We almost didn't go because of the inclement weather.
adverb [方式副词]仅仅,单独地,专门地;作为唯一的(消息)来源 - Today he was able to focus his message exclusively on the economy.
adjective [原级]世界主义的,四海为家的;国际性的,国际化的;见过世面的,见识广的;广布的,遍生的 - Someone who is cosmopolitan has had a lot of contact with people and things from many different countries .
noun [抽象名词]四海为家的人,周游世界的人 - She's a real cosmopolitan.
adverb [方式副词]压倒性地,不可抵抗地 - Female economists overwhelmingly disagree by a margin of 4-to-l.
noun [抽象名词]赞助,资助;(对餐馆、酒店或其他生意的)惠顾,光顾;职位授予权,恩惠给予权;庇护,扶植;恩赐态度;(古罗马)庇护人的权力和职责,庇护人的地位 - ...government patronage of the arts in Europe.
noun [专属名词]一种德国泡菜 - People in Germany eat their cabbage in sauerkraut form.
noun [专属名词]石南,石南植物;荒野 - Women who walked over the "heath" and read morocco-bound books and had two last names divided by a hyphen.
adjective [原级]杜鹃花科木本植物的 - This feather was picked up from the heath, the bird was not shot: we saw its nest in the winter, full of little skeletons.
noun [专属名词](Heath)人名;(柬)夏;(芬)海亚特;(英)希思 - He served under Edward Heath in the 1970s.
verb [vt. 及物动词]使疏远,使敌对;使格格不入;转让,让渡(财产或权利) - The government cannot afford to alienate either group.
adjective [原级]永恒的,永存的;似乎无休无止的,没完没了的 - He has the upbeat manner of an eternal optimist.