

/ækt/📚 1139 146 5四级考研中考高考
When you act, you do something for a particular purpose. 行动

verb [vt. 及物动词]行动;举动,表现;假装;表演,演出;担任;起作用;代理;(心理分析)行为表现

The deaths occurred when police acted to stop widespread looting and vandalism.

noun [抽象名词]行为,行动;法案;装模作样;(戏剧、歌剧等的)一幕;一段表演;节目;表演者,演出团体;发现某人正在(做某事);判决书;<旧>会议记录,公报

Language interpretation is the whole point of the act of reading.

-act- act=to do , to drive,表示“行动,做”act 行为
act 出现在下面的课文中
Lesson 35 Stop thief! act 动词: 行动
Episode 1 46 Linden Street ACT I
Episode 1 46 Linden Street ACT II
Episode 1 46 Linden Street ACT III
Episode 2 The Blind Date ACT I
Episode 2 The Blind Date ACT II
Episode 2 The Blind Date ACT III
Lesson 22 By heart
Lesson 35 Justice was done
Lesson 45 The power of the press
Lesson 52 Mud is mud
Lesson 53 In the public interest
Lesson 36 The cost of government