/ɪɡˈzækt/📚 13852 144 4四级考研托福高考Exact means correct in every detail. For example, an exact copy is the same in every detail as the thing it is copied from. 精确的; 确切的
adjective [原级]确切的,精确的;严谨的,一丝不苟的;精密的,严密的
I don't remember the exact words.
verb [vi. 不及物动词]强取,勒索;实施(报复);造成重大苦难(或损失等)
Already he has exacted a written apology from the chairman of the commission.
- exact 出现在下面的课文中
- Lesson 5 The facts
- Lesson 42 Modern cavemen
- Lesson 39 What every writer wants
- Lesson 44 Patterns of culture
- Episode 3 Grandpa's Trunk ACT II
ex(出) + act(做) → 要做就做出精确的结果 → 精确的
- 网友用“Exact”造句精选
- The exact number of protest calls has not been revealed. 抗议电话的确切次数尚未披露。
- Both drugs will be exactly the same. 两种药将会完全一样。
- I hadn't really thought about it until this exact moment. 一直到此时此刻我才真正考虑它。
- These are exactly the people who do not vote. 这些正好是那些不投票的人。
- She uses the media to help her exact a terrible revenge. 她利用媒体帮助她实施一次可怕的报复。
- The sheer physical effort had exacted a heavy price. 纯粹的体力支出已付出了沉重的代价。
- A small number – five, to be exact – have been bad. 一个小数目–确切地说是5–已经很糟了。