/ˈprezɪdənt/📚 304 110 5四级六级考研中考高考The president of a country that has no king or queen is the person who is the head of state of that country. 总统
noun [专属名词]总统,国家主席;(机构、俱乐部、学院等的)负责人,会长,院长,主席;(公司)董事长,(银行)行长,总裁;(基督教)圣餐主持教士
The president of an organization is the person who has the highest position in it. (
某组织的) 最高权力人
- president 出现在下面的课文中
- Lesson 5 The facts president 名词: 总统
- Episode 15 Second Honeymoon ACT III
preside(主持)+nt→主持国家事务的人→主席; 总统