
/θrəʊ/📚 6384 136 4托福中考高考
When you throw an object that you are holding, you move your hand or arm quickly and let go of the object, so that it moves through the air. 投; 扔

verb [vt. 及物动词]投,掷,抛,扔;掷(色子),掷出(色子的点数);随手扔下(某物);猛推,使劲撞;急伸,猛动,投射(阴影);使变音,使嗓音听起来像来自他人(或他处);故意输掉(比赛);扳动(开关),推动(操纵杆,手柄);将…关进(监狱等);突然朝…(看或笑等);突然发怒,大发雷霆

She threw her arms around his shoulders.

noun [具体名词]投掷;投,掷(骰子);投射距离;(沙发等的)套,罩;(摔跤、柔道等的)摔倒对手;(地质)落差,(断层引起的)位移;速转装置,旋转工具;(滑阀、曲柄、偏心轮或凸轮的)摆动

Can you throw me that towel?

过去式 过去分词 现在分词
throw 出现在下面的课文中
Lesson 143&144 A walk through the woods throw 动词: 扔,抛
Lesson 22 A glass envelope throw 动词: 扔,抛
Lesson 43 Over the South Pole
Lesson 53 Hot snake
无心扔(throw)瓜子, 长出(grow)西瓜来

vt. 抛;投;掷



① vt. 投,扔,抛

  • Don’t throw stones at the dog.
  • Throw the ball to Tom.

throw away 扔掉

  • Shall I throw this old newspaper away?

② 把……对准目标,向……作出举动

  • George was very happy today.Julie had thrown a smile at him in the morning.
  • The boss threw him an angry look.