
/dʒʌdʒ/📚 1764 135 4四级六级考研高考
A judge is the person in a court of law who decides how the law should be applied, for example how criminals should be punished. 法官

noun [专属名词]法官,审判官;裁判员,评判员;鉴定人,行家;士师(古犹太人领袖称谓)

The judge adjourned the hearing until next Tuesday.

verb [vt. 及物动词]判断,认为;裁判,评判;估计,估算(数量、距离、尺寸等);批评,指责;审判,审理

If you judge something such as a competition, you decide who or what is the winner.
评判•  He was asked to judge a literary competition. 他被邀请评判一场文学竞赛。

judge 出现在下面的课文中
Lesson 29 Funny or not?
Lesson 31 The sculptor speaks
Episode 19 I Do ACT III

vt. 判断;审判
