
🇬🇧/stɒp/ 🇺🇸/stɑːp/📚 2403 144 5中考高考
If you have been doing something and then you stop doing it, you no longer do it. 停止

verb [vi. 不及物动词]使)停止,结束;(使)中断;(机器等)停止运转;(汽车或火车)停靠;暂时中断(以便做某事);防止,阻拦;戒除(习性);堵塞;(旅途中)逗留,停留;<英,非正式>(在某人家)短暂停留;停付,扣除;<非正式>被(子弹)击中

Why didn't he stop me?

noun [专属名词]停止,终止;车站;<美>停车路口;(旅行中的)逗留,停留;塞音;(风琴的)音栓;(管风琴的)音管;(让银行)止付;救球;<英>句号;掣子,止动器;掣索;光圈;(桥牌)大牌,控制牌

He was headed for the bus stop.

stop 出现在下面的课文中
Lesson 073&74 The way to King Street stop 动词:
Lesson 35 Stop thief!
Lesson 129&130 Seventy miles an hour
Lesson 56 Faster than sound!
Lesson 69 But not murder!
Lesson 6 Smash-and-grab
Lesson 11 Not guilty

vt. 堵塞;停止;断绝
